Friday, October 06, 2006

Banieuel 13: la review

District 13 as it's better known to english speaking audiences. Or maybe not, cos as a subtitled french flick it may have been overlooked.
Well, action films are very slowly improving thanks to people like Jackie Chan (so September 10th!), and Tony Jaa (retiring already?! Call him September 12th!). But it's those crazy french that are paving the way for action/adventure cinema.
Look no further than Luc Besson (The Fifth Element) to write and produce a crazy-ass kick-flick with brains!
Directed by Pierre Morel (The Transporter), District 13 takes place in futuristic Paris when crime has gotten out of control and ghettos are fenced off from the general population to fend for themselves. Schools are a memory to these residents, and police are overwhelmed. Enter Leito (David Belle), a street tough who believes that justice applies to everyone, even the scum. Now there's a novel idea.
Leito is soon joined by Damien (Cyril Raffaelli), a cop on a mission. They partner up to save the forgotten district from itself and, mmmm, for dramatic effect, a nuclear bomb.

Solely as an action flick this kicks ass! The choreography rivals anything the Bolshoi could ever dream of and the stuntwork is mind-boggling. Afficionados of the urban sport Parkour will see the father of the sport demonstrating in jaw-dropping detail his inspiration. Actor David Belle (Leito) is the father of Parkour, a discipline which involves using urban settings to perform a series of impossible looking acrobatic feats, featured recently for Canadians in a Rogers Wireless television ad featuring a group of young adults running to meet one another via parkour on a rooftop, with a slogan "Tippin' on the brink". Anyway, it's cool shit. Very acrobatic and in the spirit of great, fast-paced action films.

The story here is smart, tho leaves some character development to be desired... I mean, the relationship with the sister and the bonding of the main characters may be thin... but all in all it's a good hour-and-a-half. You'll be close to the edge of yer seat, and if you care about hot guys you'll be glued to it!

See this film if you like a good action flick with lots of kicking and bullets. See it if you like an action movie with a brain. I like those things so I enjoyed it. I bummed it off satellite but I'll buy it on DVD cos I know I'll watch it again.

Those are my best recommendations, kids! I don't have a star rating system yet, so just see the damn thing and thank me later.


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