Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Little Eye -A Review

Five hot young people answer an ad and agree to live in a house in the middle of nowhere for six months while their every move is filmed. If they follow the rules and make it to the end they get a million dollars each. If even ONE of them leaves before the term is up they all lose. Think Big Brother-ish.
Thats the premise.
I liked the fact that they get to it quickly. As quickly as I was able to explain it is how quickly the movie got going.

This scary movie was made in 2002, and I can't say I ever heard of it. It rates an impressive (for a horror flick) rating of 50% on, but that's based on 14 reviews, with no Cream Of The Crop nods. Hmm. Fair enough. I gave it a chance.

The creepiness factor is pretty high, with lots of night-vision shots and random power failures and such. Director Marc Evans (some previous credits, but none I recognize) effectively amps up the suspense to the point where I HAD to keep watching, but ultimately fails to give me any real frights beyond the superficial gasp at some benign "Oh, it's you" moments.
Not to say it isn't a good fright flick; it is. It'll do the job if you're jonesing and Blockbuster is all out of Saw or Haute Tension, but I have to say that throughout the final act I was correctly predicting all the 'twists' without at least being impressed by how they were executed. I mean, sometimes you know how it's gonna end but at least you can be surprised by the inventiveness with which they pull it off. Not this time.
Oh well. I only paid 3.99$ for it on digital cable, as opposed to the poor suckers who spent 12$ at the theatre (if there were any!).

This is one of those movies that hopefully serves as a lesson to other horror-meisters; use what they did right and avoid the many mistakes.

Two things were good about My Little Eye; Kris Lemche (eXistenZ, Ginger Snaps), and Laura Regan (Unbreakable, Hollowman 2). They play Rex and Emma, two of the five hotties in the house. Tho the material wasn't great their performances were pretty damn good, considering they were surrounded by three other dull actors and a well-intentioned but ultimately over-matched director. I'm going on gut instinct here, cos when I think of the movie nothing stirs my memory except those two. Bad sign for the flick, but good read for the actors. Hey, it's all about who knows you!

Anyway, if you're ambivalent after reading this and you're curious enough to see it, let me know what you think. Like I said, it isn't horrible, but I hesitate to recommend it cos I just don't think it's anything special. Sure, it's different, but not special.
And I only want you lot to be exposed to the special things in life!



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