Saturday, November 04, 2006

Kids -yet another Retro-Review

Tonight I saw the movie Kids. You may know Larry Clark directed it but what I didn't know was Harmony Korine (Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy) also wrote it.
I saw Gummo, which Korine also wrote and directed, and I was mesmerized. It was a whole different way of filmmaking as far as I was concerned. It intrigued me. Enough so that I saw a film by his contemparary Larry Clark, whom I didn't realize was also a collaborator. That film was tonight's Kids.
It was good. I can see a lot of people disagreeing with me, and thats for the best, but it was a good film. Why?
Well edited. There was a lot going on with these kids and somehow it all came through. I never felt overwhelmed. I did feel sick a few times. Some of those moments when I wondered if kids could be... like that... so... ruthless? No... so uncaring? No, thats not it either. They're kids! Nothing matters to them. Nothing breaks the surface. When you're a kid you're immortal! All the parties begin and end with a "woo-hoo"! And when you wake up you gather your clothes around you and snake out. Right?
Fortunately like the kids we don't really deal with the hangovers. It's all about what happens at the parties. Remember those parties from high school? There was always one cool guy who tried to make everyone drink? And there was the guy who tried to make out with anything that could still walk? And the cool girl who could handle anything? And then you didn't see her till Monday.
Anyone who sees Kids and says "they were never like that in my day" won't get it. But if you were born after 1970; you'll get it. And then you'll wonder where the hell Larry Clark is?!

Well, Kids was made in '95. Then in 2006 he made Destricted; an erstwhile porn film clutching for arthouse status. It failed. It was the product of committee direction and failed miserably. "I went to the film expecting nothing and I got nothing." So said one filmgoer. That's his opinion.

Wanna watch Heroes on monday night?!


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