Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hancock -A Movie Review-

As superhero movies become an accepted and even critically acclaimed genre more each day one has to take a step back and marvel at the reception received by Hancock. So many elements of this film are questionable, and I wonder 'what if'?
Hancock is a black superhero. Many would say 'It's about time!'. Sure! He also just happens to be an alcoholic who sleeps on park benches. And he has a sarcastic attitude. Fair enough. He also solves crimes but in his drunken process also destroys as much as he saves! Oh yeah, he has no recollection of who he his or where he's from.
Well one day Hancock meets Ray, who helps to reestablish Hancock as a proper hero and not just a drunken "asshole"; a label Hancock despises. 
Through rehabilitation Hancock becomes the hero Ray imagined and all is right with the world... until...
NO SPOILERS here, but suffice it to say there are a few fun twists! Hancock learns a little more about where he comes from and why he lost his memory 80 years ago. Oh, did I mention that he's immortal?
I'm really liking the seriousness with which Hollywood is treating superhero stories these days. Thank Tim Burton and Jack Nicholson for that! Beyond the camp there are some great character studies and this, at times, is one. 
John Hancock is conflicted. He doesn't know who he is or where he comes from. He rebels against the society he tries to rescue because rescuing is all he knows how to do, but he knows nothing of his society. He's lost. He finds guidance in Ray.

Here's the Poop:
I'm finally gonna retire my distaste for Will Smith. He, yet again, turns in an incredible performance. (See Happyness and I Am Legend.) He could have been glib and goofy as Hancock but he plays it real, and by real I mean like a real person, not a cartoon. The laughs come from the writing, not Will trying to be funny. 
Jason Bateman is typically good. I don't know how he manages to not be a huge star but he's able to carve out a career playing buddies and foils. His starring turn in the great television show Arrested Development (where he's first paired with Theron) not withstanding, he should be bigger than he is. His screen presence is undeniable. Maybe he should have a chat with Seth Rogen's agent! (they have mutuality in Juno and Forgetting Sarah Marshall! I'm just sayin!)
Charlize Theron is good as Ray's conflicted wife... but why is she conflicted... OOOHHH!
I've read a lot of shit about how this movie switches tones midway and then swings back but honestly I think it works. I liked the switch! I think it injected something new into the story and made this more than a superhero movie. 
In fact I pity the remake director. He's (or She's, but hopefully He's :)) gotta give us an equally complicated film with more action and somehow make these characters as relevant to each other as they were here. 
Good luck, unnamed director! (Unless it's Peter Berg, in which case I say "Just don't fuck it up!")
In regards to why I wondered at Hancock's reception? It was a financial success, fair enough. I just found it interesting that in order to get peoples attention it had to be about a black superhero who was an alcoholic loser. Would he have been as interesting as a rich playboy? 
Hey, maybe I'm the racist!

Look for Hancock at your local 2nd run theatres, or on DVD November 6th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You almost sold me on watching a Will Smith movie...I'll think about it

9:41 am  

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