Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quarantine -A DVD Review-

I love movies like this! It's spooky, creepy fun from beginning to end!

This is the American remake of a very succesful Spanish horror flick which I reviewed here back in September. This is essentially the same film save for a few minor differences (and one kinda big difference) which kept it feeling fresh for fans like myself who saw the original.

Here's the poop:

A tv presenter and her cameraman shadow a couple of firefighters for a program about what goes on in the city at night. When they finally receive a call they respond to a building where an old woman is causing a commotion in her apartment. The firemen break in and find her standing in her livingroom foaming at the mouth and catatonic. After trying to urge her out to an ambulance for a few minutes with no reaction she suddenly lunges at the nearest victim and chews his neck off! So begins a wild ride that doesn't let up on the scares and shocks till the credits roll.

For a lengthy dissertation on the films themes an' shit check out the [rec] review from Sept. 26th.

Suffice it to say my only criticisms of this version are:

1) Greg German of Ally McBeal distracted me in his minor role because it seemed sad, him being reduced to such a background part.

2) I don't think they needed to explain the cause of the 'problem'. It felt forced. Is it an American thing that they need everything to be explained?

Anyway it is a good horror show. Check it out when you want a good spook.



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