Saturday, November 01, 2008

Tropic Thunder -A Review-

Dear readers, as you know this blog is dedicated to bringing you only the good films, the great films, the films you need to see. I know some reviewers revel in trashing the bad films and thats fun to read but I don't do that. I only write about the good ones cos I wanna guide you to the good films; the 'right' films so to speak. 
Now, forgiving any of my tendencies to hyperbole in the past I will say that Tropic Thunder is one of the BEST comedy films of recent memory! Juno, Knocked Up, Superbad, and Tropic Thunder. Same echelon. Ben Stiller scored an A-plus with this one! He co-wrote the script with Justin Theroux (actor: Mulholland Drive, Writer: the upcoming Iron Man 2!), and Ethan Cohen. I'm not gonna offend by listing his credits!!

Here's the poop:
Director Damien Cockburn (Steve Coogan) is making a Viet Nam war movie that looks to be headed for the Flop Bin. To save the production he decides to send the actors to an actual war zone and try to film guerilla-style to make it more life-like. 
His stars are Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller), and Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.). 
Supporting are... well, the supporting list is a who's who of Hollywood... Jack Black, Jay Baruchel, Tyra Banks, Maria Menounous, Nick Nolte, Jason Bateman, Lance Bass, Alicia Silverstone, Jon Voight, Mickey Rooney, Toby MacGuire... the list goes on! It was fun recognizing people, but NEVER did it take away from the story.
One cameo was wrong. There was a cameo performance in Tropic Thunder that felt ill advised! You'll notice it in the first half-hour. Matthew McConaughey's hairpiece! If it was wackier I'd think it was on purpose, but the humour of the film is so broad I knew it was MM's attempt to have... hair.
Memo to whoever does Matthew McConaughey's hair; go simple. His wig should have a co-starring credit! "Matthew McConaughey as Rick Peck, and Bad Hairpiece as his Hair!"
To MM; Dude, you're balding, that sucks. You're a ripped Hollywood actor and every picture that appears in People shows you on a beach shirtless and you're flawless. Well done. Guess what? When you wear wigs... we NOTICE!!!!
They look SILLY!
Kay, I'm done. 
Basically, Tropic Thunder is a wicked, character-driven, story-driven comedy that hits all the action points it wants to well still being smart. Some of the lines written in here are hysterical! 
Ben Stiller is really coming into his own. With a little help from his friends. 

Tropic Thunder is a huge hit and you MUST see it! It comes to DVD November 18. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I "friggin" read it.
Based on yours & the opinions of others I will be sure to pick this up

1:30 am  

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